error contact support
Chris Kavouris
Same issue. Stuck for days on contact support.
Red Pill
I have 03 names that have been stuck at "error contact support" for 02 weeks now.
even after the reveal period has ended.
Handshake TLDs
I also have the same "error contact support". Is this a bug in the namebase platform or handshake itself?
Al Anelli
I also have the same error. Is this the way to contact support? I noticed, there were no other bids on this auction. Can the bug be because there is not a 2nd price? I think this is the first auction I won without a 2nd bid.
Saurav Bir
Al Anelli: Anurag Hakeem: hello your problem resolved or not yet I have same problem
Al Anelli
Saurav Bir: yep resolved. I reached support somehow and they fixed it. Haven't had the issue again since.
Saurav Bir
Al Anelli: okay have you facing this type of error
Saurav Bir
Al Anelli: how to reached support team I message them on live support chat they reply my messages after 2-3 days
The "chat" option on the "Support" dropdown at the top of the site does not work for me.
Al Anelli
Name: try Microsoft Edge browser, Brave didn't work for me but it worked there, even not logged in.
Roberto Navarro
same here
Johnny Wu
Merged in a post:
Error on bid reveal
Ernst Jordaan
Hi there I'm getting an error on the bid reveal page on auctions I've presumably won.
See screenshot - please help
Auctions have ended but the names are not appearing in my Name Manager and I am not receiving emails or refunds on them since Jan 11.
Johnny Wu
Merged in a post:
Auctions ended and won but seem stuck
won a number of single-bid auctions but seem stuck under Your bids > Lost, wth the status "auction still pending"
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